
Troubridge Summit to Saltery Bay:  And finally in the home stretch.  I'll bet your dogs are barking now...... It's not all downhill from the top, but pretty close to it. The trail head heading south and sharply downhill to Rainy Day Lake comes off right behind the Cadillac of outhouses,  just a few short steps from the small summit hut.   Down is the operative word here: that first downhill grade is a long one.  The first time I climbed up from Rainy Day Hut I summited in early afternoon, made a quick call home to tell my wife that I was indeed still alive, so she need not call the insurance company just yet, and then just turned around and headed back to my truck.  After a good twenty minutes of constantly descent I ran into a couple of upward bound hikers, fully loaded with packs and looking like bad horses, rode hard and put-away wet.  I felt like the boys needed a little support, so I told them that they were indeed on the last hill. I didn't have heart to tell them tha